Publications and Presentations
a) Publications in English
- Tayefi, M., Razavi-Nouri, M., and Sabet, A., “Using constrained mixture design method for optimizing the properties of organoclay filled ethylene-octene copolymer nanocomposites“, Materials Research Express, 7, 1, 015321, 2020.
- Heydarnezhad H.R., Pourabbas B., Tayefi M., “Conducting Electroactive Polymers via Photopolymerization: A Review on Synthesis and Applications”, Polym. Plast. Technol. Eng., 57, 1093-1109, 2018.
- Razavi-nouri M., Sabet A., Tayefi M., “Effect of Dynamic Curing Time on Thermal, Mechanical and Rheological Behavior of Organoclay-Containing Nanocomposite based on Ethylene-Octene Copolymer”, J. Polym. Res., 24, 101–122, 2017.
- Razavi-nouri M., Tayefi M., Sabet A., “Morphology Development and Thermal Degradation of Dynamically Cured Ethylene-Octene Copolymer/Organoclay Nanocomposites”, Thermochim. Acta, 655, 302–312, 2017.
- Tayefi M., Razavi-nouri M., Sabet A., “Influence of Ordering and Disordering of Organoclay on Rheological Properties of Uncured and Cured Ethylene-Octene Copolymer Nanocomposites”, Appl. Clay Sci., 135, 206-214, 2017.
- Razavi-nouri M., Sabet A., Tayefi M., Imeni M., “Effect of Organoclay Ordering and Agglomeration on Morphology and Mechanical Properties of Uncured and Dynamically Cured Ethylene-Octene Copolymer Nanocomposites”, Macromol. Mater. Eng., 301, 1513-1524, 2016.
- Tayefi, M., Razavi-Nouri, M., and Sabet, A., “Ethylene-Octene Copolymer/Nanocaly Nanocomposites: 2- A Review on Mechanical Properties and Rheology”, Polymerization Journal, 5, 3,18-28, 2015.
- Tayefi, M., Razavi-Nouri, M., and Sabet, A., “Ethylene-Octene Copolymer/Nanocaly Nanocomposites: 1- A Review on Morphology, Crystalization and Thermal Properties”, Polymerization Journal, 5, 2, 4-15, 2015.
b) Paper Presentation at International Seminars
- Hosseini-Nasab S.J., Haghgoo M., Farajpour T., Tayefi M., Tehrani M.S., Preparation and characterization of a light weight heat insulator based on EPdm/silica aerogel, 7th international conference on nanostructures, 2018.
- Razavi-nouri M., Sabet A., Tayefi M., “Effect of Dynamic Cross-Linking on Physical and Mechanical Properties of Nanoclay-Containing Nanocomposites Based on Ethylene-Octene Copolymer”, 11th ISPST, 2014.
c) Patents
- Razavi-Nouri M., Sabet A., Tayefi M., “Producing of Dynamic Cross-Linked Nanoclay-Containing Nanocomposites based on Ethylene-Octene Copolymer with different DCP percent”, Iranian Patent, No. 90689, 2016.
Researches and Technical Reports
- Tayefi, M., Razavi-Nouri, M., and Sabet, A., “Study on the Effect of Curing on Physical and Mechanical Properties and Rheological Behavior of Poly(Ethylene-Co-Octene)/OMMT Nanocomposites”, 2014.
- Tayefi, M., “The Study of Nanocomposites of Polyethylene Containing Nanoclay, Nanotubes and Nanographene”, 2013.
- Tayefi, M., Hadi, Z., “The Study of Electrospinning of Polyacrylonitrile Nanofibers”, 2012.
Teaching Experiences
* 2014-2016 OriginPro software